Principles Of Design Video Gerald Brommer
Listed for information only
The Art Is videos are developed by teachers to provide students with easy-to-learn concepts of art, as well as lessons in art skills with classroom materials.
20-30 minute well-paced, lively videos keep students involved and motivated
Easy-to-follow methods of art skills lead to creative artwork by students
Presents easily understood concepts
Ideal for class introduction and review
Economical - for today's school budgets
Masterworks are shown in many of the videos to reinforce basic concepts
Ceramics: Basic Throwing Skills Artist: Alleghany Meadows This is an excellent introduction to throwing on the wheel and illustrates wedging the clay, centering it on the wheel, and throwing a cylinder. The step-by-step demonstration with cross-sections shown for each stage clearly explain the technique of throwing a cylinder as well as a bowl. CP-1860W VHS 25 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 |
Ceramics: Throwing Functional Forms CP-1862W Set of 2 Throwing Videos . . . . . . . . . . . .$45.00 |
Elements of Design
Artist: Gerald Brommer
The seven elements of design--value, color, form, shape, line, space, and texture are each explored and clearly explained with diagrams and hands-on demonstrations. These include paintings, collages, and sculpture, and examples of elements seen in nature, architecture, and art reinforce the concepts.
CP-1884W VHS 30 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
Principles of Design
Artist: Gerald Brommer
In this program, Brommer shows how the elements of design are combined and used in developing the seven principles of design: contrast, rhythm, unity, emphasis, pattern, movement, and balance. A series of demonstrations are combined with diagrams, artwork, and scenes from nature.
CP-1885W VHS 29 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
CP-1886W Set of two videos (CP1184W, 1885W) $45.00
Animation in the Classroom
Artists: Danny Knepper and Jill Smith
Explore simple ways to create animation without a camera. See how to make basic devices and use them to illustrate "persistence of vision" which allows the eye to blend images and create an illusion of motion. See how to make a flip book to create animation using tracings, rubber stamps, or stencils. Students learn how to make objects grow or shrink, vanish or appear, speed up or slow down, and the difference between limited and full animation. Grades K-12.
"A worthwhile purchase on a hot topic" --School Library Journal
CP-5360W VHS 14 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
Animation: Basic Camera Techniques
Artists: Messerle and Opstad
Paul Messerle and Keith Opstad demonstrate the principles of animation using a camcorder with and without an animation stand. Students use a light table and a simple registration device to develop animated drawings which are then taped on the camcorder. Cut paper animation is also shown as a technique to create moving objects. The video also discusses career opportunities and different areas of animation such as developing backgrounds, in-betweens, and character development.
CP-5364W VHS 29 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95
Computer Animation
Animator: Don Wass
Basic computer animation is demonstrated by educator Don Wass as he illustrates software capabilities and how to get started with computer animation in the classroom. Basic 3D software is used to create the animation and includes sketch tools, lathe tools, text tools, and others. Students learn how to create a layout or sound stage with camera, lights, modeling and coloring objects, acting, and storyboarding.
CP-5370W VHS 30 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
Computer Animation: Student Animation Showcase
This spectacular collection of computer animation by high school students provides an overview of animation that is possible in the classroom. An entertaining and motivating selection of student work, this program is also an excellent companion to Computer Animation.
CP-1863W VHS 22 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24.95
Maskmaking with Foil
Artist: Peggy Flores
Peggy Flores provides an easy-to-follow demonstration of how to make innovative masks from foil. First, she shows the types and colors of foil, colorants, and sculpting tools. She uses tooling foil and regular aluminum foil in the step-by-step process of drawing, forming, sculpting the foil, and coloring plus decorating with raffia, feathers, and faux jewels. She stresses the importance of masks in various cultures with an emphasis on metal masks and displays a variety of student masks.
CP-5371W VHS 20 min. . . . . . $24.95
Maskmaking with Paper
Artist: Peggy Flores
Peggy Flores demonstrates the art of making dimensional paper masks from construction paper in this lively video. After folding a sheet of paper in half, she forms it into the basic face, then adds a nose, colorful eyes, eyebrows, mouth, ears, and hair using scraps of paper she cuts, then curls, twists, bends, and shapes. She shows how to turn these simple paper masks into as many different faces as the imagination of your students can make them -- all from two sheets of construction paper. Complete techniques and materials are shown.
CP-883W VHS 20 min. closed captioned. . . . . $24.95
Maskmaking With Clay
Artist: Peggy Flores
Artist and teacher Peggy Flores shows how to create colorful and decorative masks from clay. She starts with a clay slab which is then placed over a form and molded to make the facial features. After the clay dries, it is placed in an electric kiln. The mask is completed by painting and adding raffia, yarn, pipe cleaners, and feathers for the hair and to decorate the finished mask.
CP-1887W VHS 24 min. closed captioned. . . . . $24.95
CP-1906W Set of three Maskmaking Videos . . . . . $67.50
Monotypes and Monoprints
Artists: Nick Capaci & Jonde Northcutt
Explores how singular artworks are created by combining printmaking, painting, and drawing. The printmakers demonstrate how different plates can be used and then drawn or painted with water-based mediums. Paper is then placed over the image and either burnished by hand or passed through a printing press to produce an edition of one. Some of the techniques used include subtractive, additive, templates, ghost prints, xerography transfers, and hand-working the finished print.
CP-1865W VHS 25 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95
Relief Printmaking
Artists: Nick Capaci & Jonde Northcutt
This program introduces basic relief printmaking techniques using simple materials and tools including preparing a lino block, applying ink, and pulling the print using a brayer or press. Different types of relief printing blocks are shown and the collograph process is introduced. A simple technique for registering multiple color blocks is also shown.
CP-1866W VHS 25 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95
CP-1867W Set of 2 Printmaking Videos . . . . . . . . . . . .$45.00
Basic Perspective Drawing
Brommer introduces linear perspective demonstrating the need to see perspective in order to draw it. He shows how to make one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective drawings using boxes, landscapes, and buildings. In the final demonstration, he shows how to draw cylinders in perspective, such as plates, cups, and bottles.
CP-899W VHS 29 min. . . . . . $24.95
Collage Methods
Brommer shows students the techniques to create four collages. Simple tissue paper shapes are glued overlapping on paper for a still life collage. Letters from a name are cut from construction paper, cut again into three pieces, arranged, and glued. Stained papers are torn into shapes, glued on paper, then painted with watercolor or tempera. Pictures and a facial profile make a photo montage.
CP-894W VHS 29 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
Creating Nonobjective Paintings
Artist: Gerald Brommer
Brommer demonstrates and explains how to create nonobjective art. His demonstrations include building a textural surface; building a hard edge, color field painting; building a black and white collage with positive and negative shapes; building a gestural painting; and building a collage -- painting using shapes inside of shapes.
CP-898W VHS 26 min. . . . . . $24.95
Creating Abstract Art
Artist: Gerald Brommer
Using examples, the artist clearly explains abstract art and shows how to abstract representational images. He demonstrates four methods to create abstraction in a painting -- simplification of shapes, distortion, emphasis on overlapping shapes and fracturing, and contour continuation. These examples illustrate how design becomes more important than the subject in abstract art.
CP-893W VHS 30 min. closec captioned . . . . . $24.95
Tempera Painting: Color and Design
Artist: Gail PriceAfter explaining the properties of tempera paint and how to use it, Price shows a color wheel, black and white value scale, and warm to cool color scale. These concepts are then demonstrated in paintings: geometric shapes painted in warm colors; a balanced design of found objects painted in cool colors; an abstracted still life painted in neutral colors; and an Indian design painted on a simulated animal skin.
CP-1881W VHS 21 min. . . . . . $24.95
Tempera Techniques
Artist: Gail Price
The artist first shows how to paint the techniques of opaque and transparent qualities, wet-into-wet, dry brush, scraping wet paint, texture, impasto, and collage. Then, she uses these techniques and more in demonstration paintings of a postage stamp design, a still life, a science theme painting of insects, and a landscape, explaining how these can be used as exciting cross-curricular projects in the school.
CP-1882W VHS 26 min. . . . . . $24.95
Pencil Drawing
Artist: Gail Price
Beginning with contour and accent lines, the artist leads the viewers through the basic techniques to create ten dynamic pencil drawings using a diverse selection of pencils and papers. In a final drawing, she combines techniques that produce texture and value -- scumble, smudge, kneaded eraser, stipple, hatching, cross-hatching, accent line.
CP-880W VHS 23 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
Drawing Methods
Artist: Gail Price
Using felt tip markers, ink pens, colored pencils, crayons, twigs, palette knife, and different colored and textured papers, the artist demonstrates many methods including crayon resist to enhance drawings in this fast- moving, comprehensive video. She draws a variety of subjects including a barn, a landscape, still lifes of flowers and pine cones, and a kitten.
CP-881W VHS 26 min. . . . . . $24.95
Drawing with Charcoal
Artist: Gail Price
The artist introduces the types of charcoal and conte crayon and shows how they are used in motivating demonstrations on different papers including a drawing of mugs, an effective gesture drawing, and a cave drawing. She concludes the video by demonstrating three dynamic drawings of earth in space, an Indian bowl, and a landscape.
CP-890W VHS 27 min. closed captioned. . . . . $24.95
Drawing with Pastels
Artist: Gail Price
Different types of pastels including hard, soft, oil, and pencil are shown and their properties explained, then the artist demonstrates her methods in drawings of a landscape, a puppy, still lifes, and tropical fish. She also shows how to combine oil pastels with turpentine for opaque drawings and how soft pastels are used on velour paper for textural drawings.
CP-891W VHS 28 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
Watercolor: Materials and Basic Techniques
Artist: Gerald Brommer
Students explore the materials and properties of watercolor through a series of demonstrations and examples of watercolor paintings. These include transparent and opaque watercolor, pigments, brushes, papers, washes, glazes, and wet-in-wet techniques. The demonstrations use student watercolors and papers and provide examples for classroom painting activities.
CP-5361W VHS 29 min. . . . . . $24.95
Watercolor: Special Techniques
Artist: Gerald Brommer
This program expands on the concepts presented in Watercolor: Materials and Basic Techniques. These concepts and techniques are shown through a series of demonstrations to show students how to use dry brush to create textures, glazes to reinforce colors and combining different techniques. Also, experimental techniques with "non-painting" tools and materials are shown.
CP-5362W VHS 28 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24.95
CP-1904W Set of 2 Watercolor Videos . . . . . $45.00
Acrylic Painting: Getting a Start
Artist: Stephen Quiller
Artist Stephen Quiller demonstrates how students can easily get started with acrylic painting. Basic materials are shown with pigments, a palette using freezer paper, and brushes and their care. A simple demonstration shows how to use acrylic like watercolor with thin washes and then in a translucent and opaque style. Demonstrations of a landscape, cityscape, and a still life further explore these properties.
CP-5363W VHS 28 min. . . . . . $24.95
Watercolor Methods
Artist: Stephen Quiller
Demonstrations with different types of watercolor papers, brushes, and pigments explore wet-on-wet, washes, and drybrush, plus innovative methods to enhance watercolor paintings. The artist then creates a landscape painting with the methods discussed. Masterworks are interwoven into the program to show these methods used by other artists.
CP-884W VHS 19 min. . . . . . $24.95
Artist: Stephen Quiller
The artist shows students how to progressively develop compositions from different subjects and how various shapes and values of a subject can trigger ideas for the painting. Starting with a series of compositional sketches, the artist develops and paints a landscape painting. Then, the importance of a strong composition is emphasized as the artist arranges a still life. Masterworks reinforce the concepts presented.
CP-885W VHS 19 min. . . . . . $24.95
Artist: Stephen Quiller
Presents an introductory overview of color concepts and how different color combinations are used. Some of the color subjects presented are primary, secondary, and intermediate colors, after-image, intensity, contrast, color, value, as well as monochromatic and analogous color schemes. A demonstration painting explores how these are used in creating a finished painting. Masterworks also reinforce these concepts.
CP-886W VHS 19 min. . . . . . $24.95
Visualizing What You Paint
Artist: Stephen Quiller
Presents a variety of ideas motivating students to see and visualize subjects to create more spontaneous and creative work. Through a series of short demonstrations, students learn to look at negative shapes and to paint around the subject. Other demonstrations relate to painting from light to dark and dark to light, and painting on toned paper. The paintings of master artists provide additional resources.
CP-887W VHS 19 min. closed captioned . . . . . $24.95
Experimental Water Media
Artist: Stephen Quiller
Students explore imaginative ways to add interest to their paintings. One is by combining media -- watercolor is combined with graphite, charcoal, colored pencils, pastels, and oil pastels resulting in special effects and abstract forms. Collage with tissue and torn paper are added to watercolor in a mixed media painting. Quiller demonstrates a landscape using these techniques and presents other examples.
CP-888W VHS 20 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95
Papier-M�ch?Pop Art Artist: Peggy Flores Teacher Peggy Flores demonstrates the papier-m�c h?process as she constructs a large pop art candy sculpture in the style of Claes Oldenburg. After making a large bag from folded newspaper, she stuffs the bag with paper and seals the top. Strips of newspaper are dipped in paste and placed on the bag which she then paints with the candy package design. A variety of student examples are also shown. CP-5359W VHS 21 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 |
Paper Molas Artist: Peggy Flores This program explores the process of creating molas with colored paper. Traditionally, molas have been made in fabric by the Kuna people of Panama. Peggy Flores demonstrates how to make colored paper molas starting with drawing the subject and the cutting of the layers of paper which are glued together allowing each layer of color to show through completing the decorative mola. A variety of student work is also shown. CP-1868W VHS 25 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 |
Paper Weaving Artist: Peggy Flores Peggy Flores provides a brief background of weaving and then demonstrates how paper can be used to create dynamic woven designs. This program also includes a variety of student weavings. CP-1869W VHS 25 min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95 |
CP-1870W Set of 3 Paper Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $67.50 |
CP-1884W Elements of Design [cc] CP-1885W Principles of Design [cc] CP-1860W Basic Throwing Skills CP-1861W Throwing Functional Forms CP-5368W Coil and Pinch Pots CP-5369W Slab Construction CP-898W Creating Nonobjective Paintings CP-893W Creating Abstract Art [cc] CP-899W Basic Perspective Drawing CP-894W Collage Methods CP-1881W Tempera: Color and Design CP-1882W Tempera Techniques CP-880W Pencil Drawing [cc] CP-881W Drawing Methods CP-890W Drawing with Charcoal [cc] CP-891W Drawing with Pastels [cc] CP-5371W Maskmaking with Foil CP-883W Maskmaking with Paper [cc] | CP-1887W Maskmaking with Clay CP-5359W Papier-M �c h?Pop Art CP-1868W Paper Molas CP-1869W Paper Weaving CP-5361W Watercolor: Materials & Techniques CP-5362W Watercolor: Special Techniques CP-5363W Acrylic Painting: Getting a Start CP-884W Watercolor Methods CP-885W Composition [cc] CP-886W Color CP-887W Visualizing What You Paint [cc] CP-888W Experimental Water Media CP-5360W Animation in the Classroom [cc] CP-5364W Animation: Basic Camera Techniques CP-5370W Computer Animation CP-1863W Student Animation Showcase CP-1865W Monotypes and Monoprints CP-1866W Relief Printmaking |
CP1871W Complete Art Is . . . Library --Set of 36 videos SAVE over $100.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $764.00 |
Principles Of Design Video Gerald Brommer
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